How to Get Thick Hair

Some people are blessed with thick hair, while others have thin hair by nature. Additionally, around the age of 40, the fibers of your hair start to get thinner, which increases shedding. Although thinning hair is not entirely avoidable, there are some things you can do to make your hair thicker and appear fuller.

1 /Eat a well-balanced, healthy diet with plenty of vitamin B and iron.

Vitamin B plays a large role in the health of your hair, and getting enough of it is essential to keeping thick hair and reducing how much you shed. Good sources of vitamin B include fruits, vegetables, nuts and brown rice, among others.

Diets deficient in iron lead to poor hair growth. Good sources of iron include beef, pork, lamb, poultry, fish, green leafy vegetables and iron-enriched grain products.

2 /Massage your scalp regularly using your fingertips. Massage increases circulation to your scalp, helping it grow healthy hair.

3 /Use essential oils to thicken your hair. Chamomile, lavender, rosemary, thyme, geranium and cedarwood, among others, help thicken hair follicles.
Apply 10 to 20 drops of your chosen oil to your scalp when doing your massage. Use you fingers to rub the oil down strands of hair.

Mix 3 to 5 drops of essential oil into your shampoo or conditioner when washing your hair.

Deep condition your hair by adding five to 10 drops of essential oil to 3 to 4 ounces of castor oil, olive oil, jojoba oil or sunflower oil. Apply the oil to your hair, taking care to cover each strand. Wrap your hair in towel and let the oil sit for 30 minutes, then shampoo and condition as normal.

4 Treat your hair gently to decrease hair loss.

Avoid ponytails and other hair styles that pull and stretch the strands of your hair.

Use blow dryers and heated styling tools sparingly. Overusing heated hair appliances causes dry, brittle hair that breaks and falls out easily.

5 Wash your hair with a high-quality volumizing shampoo to deep clean your follicles and add volume to the crown of your head, making your hair appear fuller.

6 Apply a volumizing conditioner to the strands and roots of your hair every time you shampoo. Avoid putting the conditioner on the top of your head near the roots of the hair, which can make hair appear thinner by weighing it down.

7 Towel dry your hair gently by blotting the water out. Avoid squeezing, wringing and twisting your hair.

8 Try using root lifters and volumizing sprays when styling your hair to get the fullness you are looking for.

9 Chemically treat your hair with permanent waves and permanent hair color
. Although chemical processes can be dry and damaging to your hair, they also make the hair strands thicker by expanding the outer layer of the hair to allow the chemical to permeate the shaft.

10 Get your hair cut. Cutting off dry, dead ends adds new life to hair, making it appear thicker. Short blunt cuts, such as bobs, make hair look fuller.

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